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First CRADLE book to be launched in Helsinki

CRADLE are excited to announce the upcoming launch of our first book, Developing Evaluative Judgement...

More upcoming CRADLE events in 2018

With a busy first half of 2018 over, here’s a preview of what’s coming up...

Academic failure and persistence: Seminar – 12 June 2018

Academic failure is a common event in the life of a university student, so what...

Building evaluative judgement through near peer mentoring: CRADLE Seminar Series

A project seeking to develop students’ evaluative judgement by pairing senior and first-year students for...

Online self-reflection: My research as a CRADLE Fellow

I have been a CRADLE Fellow since mid-2017. Like many academics I have always been...

Building evaluative judgement through near peer mentoring: Seminar – 2 May 2018

The capacity to maintain competency through self-evaluation is an important attribute for any work-ready graduate....

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