Items with Tag: Research

How do you engage with feedback? Take our survey now!

Feedback is incredibly important for learning, and it’s not just the information you get, but how you use it that could make a difference. Be part of our research project Exploring Learners’ Feedback Literacy Behaviours: take the Feedback Literacy Behaviour Scale to find out your strengths and weaknesses regarding how you engage with feedback.

CRADLE is #1 contributor to global assessment research

A recent performance analysis of the prominent international journal Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education  by Sun et al. was undertaken using citation data. The article highlighted Australian researchers as the dominant global contributor, with CRADLE and Deakin University ranking at the top. CRADLE authors and our extensive network of global collaborators have a significant impact on assessment research globally.

Don’t miss CRADLE at these education conferences this year

The conference season is ramping up for 2024 and an extraordinary number of the CRADLE family have been successful in having their abstracts accepted. We are especially pleased to see our doctoral students and CRADLE Fellows sharing their research. Catch up on our latest research by joining us at the conferences in person or online.

Meet our new genAI Research Fellows

Meet Dr Jack Walton and Dr Thomas Corbin, two of CRADLE's new Research Fellows. Jack and Tom are helping CRADLE research assessment in a time of genAI.

Did the pandemic lead to lasting change in university teaching?

The COVID-19 pandemic significantly disrupted traditional methods of teaching and learning within higher education. But what remained when the pandemic passed? Find out with CRADLE Fellow Jaclyn Broadbent's latest publication.

Great work! David Boud named top Australian researcher again

CRADLE Co-Director Alfred Deakin Professor David Boud has again been recognised as the top Australian researcher in Education, Higher Education and Academic and Psychological Testing. Congratulations David!

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