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Understanding international students’ study experiences in Australia: Introducing CRADLE Fellow Dr Fiona McKay
7 May 2019
I’m a new CRADLE Fellow for 2019. I’ve been at Deakin for almost seven years...
What should inclusive assessment be? Reflections from a panel discussion
2 May 2019
On Monday 15 April I had the privilege to be part of a panel discussing...
Reframing alignment and authenticity in the assessment of work-integrated learning: CRADLE Seminar Series
30 April 2019
A strong turnout at Deakin Downtown and many more online joined us to hear CRADLE’s...
Shaking power structures through summative self-assessment: CRADLE Seminar Series
15 April 2019
Summative self-assessment was the fascinating and provocative topic of the recent CRADLE seminar presented by...
Scholarship success for CRADLE PhD candidate!
11 April 2019
Congratulations to CRADLE PhD candidate Abbas Mehrabi, who has received a Stuart D. B. Picken...
Shaking power structures through summative self-assessment: Seminar – 9 April 2019
12 March 2019
Self-assessment in higher education is typically viewed as a formative tool for student learning –...