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Understanding international students’ study experiences in Australia: Introducing CRADLE Fellow Dr Fiona McKay

I’m a new CRADLE Fellow for 2019. I’ve been at Deakin for almost seven years...

What should inclusive assessment be? Reflections from a panel discussion

On Monday 15 April I had the privilege to be part of a panel discussing...

Reframing alignment and authenticity in the assessment of work-integrated learning: CRADLE Seminar Series

A strong turnout at Deakin Downtown and many more online joined us to hear CRADLE’s...

Shaking power structures through summative self-assessment: CRADLE Seminar Series

Summative self-assessment was the fascinating and provocative topic of the recent CRADLE seminar presented by...

Scholarship success for CRADLE PhD candidate!

Congratulations to CRADLE PhD candidate Abbas Mehrabi, who has received a Stuart D. B. Picken...

Shaking power structures through summative self-assessment: Seminar – 9 April 2019

Self-assessment in higher education is typically viewed as a formative tool for student learning –...

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