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Scholarship success for CRADLE PhD candidate!

Congratulations to CRADLE PhD candidate Abbas Mehrabi, who has received a Stuart D. B. Picken...

Shaking power structures through summative self-assessment: Seminar – 9 April 2019

Self-assessment in higher education is typically viewed as a formative tool for student learning –...

Evaluative judgement: What, why & how? CRADLE Seminar Series

A strong turnout at Deakin Downtown and many more online helped us to kick off...

Evaluative judgement: what, why and how? Seminar – 26 February 2019

Evaluative judgement has received significant recent attention in the higher education literature, despite similar ideas...

Happy holidays: CRADLE News year in review

As the end of the year draws closer, it’s the perfect opportunity to reflect on...

CRADLE 2018 publications round-up – Part 3: Evaluative judgement / Contract cheating

As 2018 draws to a close, we asked the CRADLE team to look over their...

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