Inclusive web design exemplar
The ICCB website exemplifies inclusive, accessible web-based learning design.
The Inclusive Curriculum Capacity Building (ICCB) website—the site you are in—provides a host of practical information, ideas, exemplars and resources to help Deakin staff teach its diverse learners inclusively. At the same time, the site models accessible and usable web design.
The current site grew from an ‘Inclusive Teaching in Higher Education’ CloudDeakin self-help professional development module, comprising six topics that introduced staff to key principles of inclusive teaching. Diversity and Inclusion switched to the present WordPress platform to provide staff simpler access, better functionality, search bar, and a more flexible, user-centred design. The site also showcases ICCB projects and outcomes particularly for improved student success and retention.

Promoting the ICCB WordPress site on Deakin computer lock screens