Icebreakers and energisers
Why is using icebreakers important?
Students appreciate teachers who take the time to become acquainted with their backgrounds, interests and skill levels. To get to know your students’ names, ask for photo class lists and try to use students’ names when you address them. Encourage the class to use students’ names and to ask one another if they forget a name.
‘One of my first-year students mentioned how impressed she was that I had managed to learn class names so quickly—a combination of using icebreakers and having access to photo lists of my students! She said it made her feel that she belonged at uni. Tutors checking in with students to find out how they are travelling also made her feel welcomed. It was interesting to me that such simple strategies made such a difference’.
Dr Kathryn Keeble, Faculty of Arts and Education
Suitable icebreakers are a fun and useful way to help you and your students get to know one another. Icebreakers are also useful in encouraging collaboration between students and in creating a relaxed atmosphere.

How to facilitate a successful icebreaker
Simplicity is the key factor to a successful icebreaker. Have a clear purpose in mind when designing your icebreakers and what you want to achieve. Be conscious of the diversity of your students, and ensure that the activities are inclusive of differing abilities and sociocultural backgrounds. The aim is to make your students feel at ease, not uncomfortable, be equitable, and create a collaborative classroom climate. Reflect on the potential outcome of the activities and ask yourself if your session will meet these aims.