Panel: Feedback in online learning – CRADLE Seminar Series

Higher education’s rapid shift to online teaching, learning and assessment has provided educators and students with many new opportunities and challenges. Join us for this special panel exploring the evolving nature of feedback in online learning, from technology and dialogue to the feedback process and online exams!

When?2.00 pm to 3.15 pm, Tuesday 11 August 2020
Cost?This is a free event
Register?Register here!

Chaired by CRADLE’s A/Prof. Phillip Dawson and featuring A/Prof. Rola Ajjawi (CRADLE), Prof. Michael Henderson (Monash University) and Prof. Michael Sankey (Griffith University), the panel will share their own research, discuss the current state of feedback in online learning, and take questions from the audience.

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A/Prof. Rola Ajjawi
The use of technology to promote feedback processes in higher education is on the rise. Research identifies that students are generally satisfied with technology-enhanced feedback (e.g. video, audio), yet improvements in learning outcomes are more elusive. These suggest that a simple media swap is insufficient, and that designing effective feedback processes to promote relationships and dialogue is key.

Prof. Michael Henderson
In light of COVID-19, universities have rapidly shifted to online assessment practices. However, there is a risk that, while much attention has been given to assessment design including issues around security and academic integrity, there has not been as much attention paid to enhancing feedback in a digital context. In this session I will highlight two ongoing projects: first, the need to better understand the alignment of intention and sense-making in the feedback process; and second, the opportunities for rich media and dialogic designs to support that sense-making.

Prof. Michael Sankey
What sector-wide lessons have been learned from pivoting quickly to online exams, based on the feedback from 20 universities so far, and what options were adopted? This is closely aligned with the need to empower staff to look at assessment of learning and teaching in different ways and how intensive training now, during this time, will have enduring benefits.

Composite portrait photographs of panellists - A/Prof. Rola Ajjawi, Prof. Michael Henderson, & Prof. Michael Sankey

This seminar is the fourth in our online-only series. Join us for a thought-provoking virtual panel and discussion!

This seminar is our most popular yet, so don’t wait! Register now!

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