How to improve your assessments: Join our Masterclass in Inclusive Assessment
19 July 2023
Monday 14 August at 10.30am

A CRADLE/DLF (Inclusive Education) Collaboration
In this masterclass, Juanita Custance, Associate Professor Alexander Mussap, and Dr Mollie Dollinger will share their knowledge of making assessment inclusive. The masterclass will be hosted by CRADLE’s Dr Joanna Tai and Dr Shane McIver from Deakin Learning Futures (DLF).

- When: Monday 14 August 2023
- Time: 10.30am-12.00pm (AEST)
- Where: Online and at Deakin Downtown, 727 Collins Street, Docklands
- Cost: This is a free event
Teaching staff want to be inclusive and adopt a no-student-left-behind approach, but how does such inclusive education translate from theory into practice? This collaborative session between CRADLE and Deakin Learning Futures (Inclusive Education) is tailored for academic staff looking for assessment design ideas and inspiration to integrate inclusive education within their content and delivery for increased student retention and success. Come along for a useful session of knowledge-sharing, discussion, networking, and ideas-generation.
This session will be held online and at Deakin Downtown. Morning tea and lunch will be provided.
About Juanita Custance
Ms Juanita Custance is a Language and Learning Adviser with Deakin’s Department of Student Academic and Peer Support.
What do students struggle with most around assessment? What is helpful to know and maybe change? Juanita will be sharing patterns and trends she has observed when students across the University seek help with assessment guidelines and rubrics.
About Alexander Mussap
Alexander Mussap is an Associate Professor with the School of Psychology in the Faculty of Health.
Why should small units have all the flexibility? All students stand to benefit from rapid feedback and multiple opportunities to revise and resubmit their work. Unfortunately, the practicalities of organising markers, processing extension requests, and achieving tight turnaround times get in the way. Alex will explain how he has been using a computer-assisted feedback system to provide flexible and iterative learning opportunities to a large cohort of first-year students.
About Mollie Dollinger
Dr Mollie Dollinger is a Senior Lecturer in Learning Design at DLF and researchs student equity and inclusion, student voice, and graduate employability, with CRADLE.
How do we address inequity? Mollie will be sharing key findings from her co-authored chapter about addressing inequity that appears in CRADLE’s latest book, Assessment for Inclusion in Higher Education. She will also share insights arising from a students-as-partners approach, including tips, hints, and student recommendations about how to make assessments more inclusive and accessible.
Masterclass Host
The masterclass will be hosted by Dr Joanna Tai, a Senior Research Fellow with CRADLE, and Dr Shane McIver from DLF’s Teaching Capability Team.
