Help us in our research: Complete our health professions survey

Participate in our research on assessment of practice-based learning in the health professions

Three health professionals looking at an X-ray result

As part of Dr Joanna Tai’s recent ACEN grant success, we now invite all health professionals involved in assessment of practice-based learning to participate in the project.

We are exploring what inclusive assessment of practice-based learning for health professionals might look like. We are is interested in perspectives on the necessary skills and capabilities for graduates to succeed in the health professions. We seek a wide range of opinions from those involved in practice-based learning – clinical or field placements, workplace learning, professional experiences, and simulation. The people we are interested in hearing from includes, but is not limited to:

  • Clinical supervisors,
  • Placement co-ordinators,
  • Directors of education in host organisations, and
  • Accreditation bodies across Australia and New Zealand.

What do I have to do?

Participation initially involves completing an anonymous online survey, and is entirely voluntary. The survey will take approximately 15 minutes of your time. Respondents will be entered into a draw to win one of three $100 vouchers.

If you know of others who might be interested in participating in this research, please feel share this with them.

How will it help?

By taking part you will help us to understand how entry level health profession course requirements and assessments could be modified to support greater inclusion. By addressing these issues for health professions education, there are potential benefits to students, education providers, prospective employers, patients/service users, and thus Australian society as a whole.

What else I can do?

In late 2023 and early 2024, we will be running workshops aiming to design more inclusive assessment, and we will invite those who participate in the survey to join us.

This study has received Deakin University ethical approval reference number HAE 23-096, and is supported by an ACEN 2023 Research Grant.

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