E-cheating and assessment security: new video series

In this post we hear from Professor Phill Dawson who leads research into academic integrity at CRADLE. His work involves looking at academic background in assessment and cybersecurity to protect education from cheating. This includes unorthodox methods like computer hacking and paying professional cheaters. Phill shares his thoughts and approach to these issues during the current situation.

I’ve really missed long conversations about cheating during the pandemic. I’ve done some talks, consulted with people on tricky problems, and written a book, but I haven’t had the sort of broad-ranging discussions about cheating that I so sorely miss. The ones where you sit down and have a no holds barred chat about what is probably one of the wickedest problems in education today. So, when Chukwudi Ogoh from Turnitin pitched a four part video series where we just talk about cheating, I jumped at the opportunity.

There’s heaps of material in these chats that never made it into the book.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q272-fO5GOw]

You can watch the first two videos here on the CRADLE blog, and the next two will be available in the coming weeks.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FirwTWChp_I]


We’ll be hosting a CRADLE seminar about cheating and assessment security on 21 September in conjunction with Turnitin.

We’re trying a different format where it’s all Q&A, sort of like a Reddit AMA (Ask Me Anything) where you can ask whatever you want. You can sign up to join the Q&A and put forward a question here.

The first 100 people to sign up will receive a free e-copy of my new book, Defending Assessment Security in a Digital World. Hope to see you there!

You contact Phill on email [email protected] or follow him on Twitter @phillipdawson

Professor Phill Dawson holding his recently published booked called Defending Assessment Security in a Digital World

Prof. Phill Dawson with his recently published book, Defending Assessment Security in a Digital World.

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