Items with category:Reflections

Building enduring collaborations – Chris Watling reflects on his CRADLE visit

At the beginning of November, Prof. Chris Watling (Centre for Education Research and Innovation, Western...

Q&A with visiting academic Yan Zi

In August, A/Prof. Yan Zi (Education University of Hong Kong) arrived for a four-month visit...

How to start an argument about feedback – a postcard from Helsinki

What is feedback? It turns out that’s more of a contentious question than I expected....

When a research metaphor isn’t just a metaphor: CRADLE & DER International Symposium 2018

How a metaphor in Helsinki became reality in Prato, Italy, and what I learnt from...

Thoughts from the CRADLE & DER International Symposium 2018

One feature of the joint international symposium ‘The Impact of Feedback in Higher Education’ was...

Learning analytics and evaluative judgement at EARLI SIG1 2018

I recently had the good fortune to participate in the EARLI SIG1 (Assessment and Evaluation)...

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