Meet our new Senior Research Fellow
13 January 2025
CRADLE Welcomes Dr Juuso Henrik Nieminen
We are pleased to announce that Juuso will join CRADLE in January 2025 as a Senior Research Fellow. Juuso has been collaborating with CRADLE since his PhD candidature in 2018 at the University of Helsinki. We are looking forward to welcoming him as an exciting new member of our team.

Juuso brings a wealth of experience in his research and teaching areas. He focuses on the social, cultural, and political dimensions of educational assessment. This includes student agency, assessment design and student identity formation.
His work also covers inclusion, diversity, and belonging in higher education. He is particularly interested in examining how assessment takes shape, and shapes people, in a social world. This is underpinned by interdisciplinary and multi-paradigmatic methods.
Juuso has been widely published in high-ranking journals in these areas, including critical approaches to assessment and assessment research. His disciplinary background is in mathematics and technology education.
Juuso recently concluded his tenure as Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Education at the University of Hong Kong. Previously, he was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Eastern Finland and the Head of Research at the Code School Finland. He is an Adjunct Professor (Docent) at the University of Eastern Finland, a Banting Fellow at the Ontario Tech University, Canada, and was previously an Honorary Research Fellow with CRADLE.
Juuso is an Editorial Board Member for Educational Studies in Mathematics, an Associate Editor for Higher Education Research & Development and an Assistant Editor for Teaching in Higher Education.
Find out more about Juuso