Items with category:PhD Students

When a research metaphor isn’t just a metaphor: CRADLE & DER International Symposium 2018

How a metaphor in Helsinki became reality in Prato, Italy, and what I learnt from...

From Copenhagen to Melbourne: New PhD Student Lasse Jensen

At the end of 2017 I became the first PhD student to enrol in a...

Free technology and inequality: my 3 minute thesis experience

I’ve returned from Deakin’s Arts and Education HDR (Higher Degree Research) summer school with an...

CRADLE’s Re-Imagining Assessment Symposium: taking research in new directions

CRADLE hosted a diverse group of international, national and local assessment /digital learning experts at...

Deakin’s got Curriculum Transformation covered at HERDSA

Deakin researchers had a strong presence and impact at HERDSA this year,  not only physically...

Infographics for visualising research data

I’ve been compiling the data from my PhD study. It’s a systematic review of the...

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