Angelina Lim tells us about her fantastic CRADLE visit

CRADLE was pleased to host Dr Angelina Lim of Monash University recently. It was wonderful to collaborate and brainstorm with Angelina on the many issues around research, AI, and behaviour change. We look forward to continuing to work with Angelina in the future. In this post Angelina reflects on her motivation to visit and on her time with us.

I’ve been wanting to visit CRADLE and finally found two days to come and see Dr Joanna Tai and the team. Even though it was just two days, I was able to learn so much from so many people. I want to thank all those who took the time to meet me and talk through their research and brainstorm ideas with me. Going from clinical research to education research has been a steep learning curve for me and I really recommend a visit to CRADLE for anyone who is in a similar boat.

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Firstly, come and watch the wonderful PhD student seminars and learn what they’re doing and how they approach their research questions.

What I found particularly useful was the journal club. Just going through the nuances of a conceptual paper and how to break down the concepts and unpack theory/framework helped me with my critical thinking and how to frame education research questions and papers.

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Secondly, bring something you need assistance with to get help from CRADLE. I utilised a good two hours of Jo’s time to go through a grant application I was struggling with and asked her to help me go through SIXTY reviewer comments that I received “minor” revisions for.

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Thirdly, bring your ideas to brainstorm and meet the key experts to help you refine your ideas. I thoroughly enjoyed my meetings with Dr Laura Hughes, where we discussed potential innovations for supporting behavioural change, and Dr Thomas Corbin where we catastrophised and embraced the impact of new AI learning tools.

My own feedback literacy and AI literacy definitely improved as a result of the visit. My visit was absolutely fantastic and gave me a lot of strategies to take back to the classroom and ideas for research. I’m sad I didn’t get time to meet everyone as many staff members were away so my last tip is to make sure you find a time that suits many members of the CRADLE team or link up your visit with one of their wonderful CRADLE seminars or the upcoming International Symposium. Of course, this just means I’ll have to come back again!

About Angelina Lim

Dr Angelina Lim is a senior lecturer and deputy course director at Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Monash University. Her key interests are simulation, authentic assessment, generative artificial intelligence, antimicrobial stewardship and paediatric endocrinology. Angelina’s main expertise lies in designing and evaluating Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCEs).

Angelina has embarked on many pharmacy related career paths, starting with hospital pharmacy, then community pharmacy (still practicing), public health sector and research. She still maintains links with the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute (MCRI) working on projects in disability and paediatric endocrinology. Angelina is dedicated to teaching and education research and aims to use evidence based pedagogical approaches to drive her teaching and curriculum design.

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