Be brave and inspiring about inclusivity!

By Dr Petra Brown, Teaching Scholar, Faculty of Arts and Education

Profile image Dr Petra Brown

Dr Petra Brown, Unit Chair, AIX160, Introduction to University Study

I know that this is often talked about—being ‘accessible’ and ‘inclusive’ is one of Deakin’s personality traits—and ‘welcoming, supporting and retaining committed learners’ is listed as one of the strategic goals under learning.  But too often the institution falls short of these ideals in practice. In 2018, I would like to see the Faculty become ‘brave and inspiring’ in leadership in addressing issues that lead to some students experiencing exclusion—and to be proactive and think long-term about our ethical commitment to developing inclusive curriculums, inclusive teaching practices and that this is reflected and actively supported from management through to sessionals, who are at the coal face of teaching. This is something close to my heart, but also something that I think the Faculty—with its roots in the humanities, arts and education—is able to articulate for a wider University that is under constant pressure to ‘rationalise’ its resources. Widening participation rather than competition remains an ethical imperative for us more than ever.

Yours inclusively,
