Deakin’s got Curriculum Transformation covered at HERDSA

Deakin researchers had a strong presence and impact at HERDSA this year,  not only physically by their presentations, but also digitally as they contributed to the Twittersphere buzz. Stuart Palmer’s tweet map of the conference (feature image above) showed CRADLE researchers as hubs in the thick of the HERDSA digital conversation. Darci Taylor and Susie Macfarlane’s staff transformation angle in their FutureLearn presentation was picked up by Campus Morning Mail (Deakin Making More than MOOCs), thus stoking the Twitter fires even more. Darci and Susie are part of the Health Pod of Learning Futures team – and CRADLE PhD candidates. The theme of the conference was Curriculum Transformation and as Chie Adachi reflected afterwards,  Deakin showcased a number of innovative learning and teaching initiatives as a cohesive program of curriculum transformation.
Deakin’s University Curriculum on a MOOC platform ie via the FutureLearn project was represented from many different angles including this from Marcus O’Donnell and Chie Adachi.  In addition,  Trina Jorre de St Jorre on embedding employability, Jo Elliott on Science students and Work Integrated Learning, and Mary Dracup on equity and inclusive design. Chie Adachi  was part of a multi-university study into social media in curricula, and along with CRADLE’s Joanna Tai and Phillip Dawson also had a presentation on the challenges of implementing self and peer assessment in the curriculum. Gold stars to them and also to Trina who managed to time the publication of their associated journal articles  just before HERDSA.

Category list: Conferences, PhD Students

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