CRADLE Seminar Series: Feedback in the workplace – seeking and sharing

Register now to hear from Professor Fredrik Anseel, Associate Dean (Research), UNSW, who will present How do people learn from feedback in the workplace? From feedback seeking to feedback sharing.” Prof Anseel will provide an insight into feedback sharing in the workplace and its influence on associated systems for learning and performance. 

Be it in training and development, job interviews, performance appraisal or coaching, providing employees with feedback regarding their performance is one of the most widely applied psychological interventions in the workplace.

Fuelled by the variable effects of feedback interventions on performance, organisational scholars have set out to better understand how people learn from feedback. 

One of the most active domains of study in the past 30 years has been the study of feedback-seeking behaviour in organisations. That is, the realisation that people do not simply sit and wait till until they receive feedback but go out to proactively seek it. This has provided important new insights to our understanding of feedback.   

This presentation will provide a summary of the current state of the feedback-seeking literature based on recent reviews (e.g., Anseel, Beatty, Shen, Lievens, & Sackett, 2015; Anseel & Brutus, 2019).  

One conclusion of this review of the literature is that research has mostly limited feedback interactions to involve a provider and recipient/seeker, with any processing of that feedback is characterised as a solitary act by the recipient. However, employees do not merely process or cope with feedback on their own, but instead often share and discuss it with other co-workers. Companies like Bridgewater Associates and Netflix require employees to share feedback with others. 

To date, research and theory regarding feedback sharing is missing in the feedback literature. Preliminary data shows that employees regularly share feedback and discuss how feedback sharing may influence the learning and performance of both parties. This, which may inspire a social learning account of feedback processing and potentially may change how organisations form feedback systems for learning and performance. 

Picture of the seminar speaker Professor Fredrik Anseel

Professor Fredrik Anseel, Associate Dean (Research), UNSW.


This seminar is our fourth in our online-only series for 2021. Join us to listen to some thought-provoking discussions. 

When: 2.00pm – 3.30pm (AEST), Tuesday 3 August 2021
Where: Zoom webinar
Cost: This is a free event 

Register Now for this event 

Category list: CRADLE Seminar Series, News

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