International students
International student support
The international student support team provides advice, support and encouragement to international students on a range of matters including:
- settling into life at Deakin and in Australia
- general and personal issues that may affect your ability to study
- complaints and grievances
- applying for intermission/leave of absence
- financial difficulties
- homesickness
- social or cultural adjustment difficulties
- understanding your student visa and what is expected of you
- crisis management
- social activities, events and programs
- specific support for under-18 and Australia award students
- referrals to other key services at Deakin and the local community.
Visa information
Important information and advice related to international student visas:
- How to apply for a new visa
- Enrolment conditions for international student visas
- Intermission/leave of absence
- Compliance and visas
Contact International Student Support (ISS)
English language development
- Book an appointment with a Language and Learning Adviser
- DUELI Independent learning centre: DUELI’s ILC has loads of useful links to help you practice and improve your English.
- iDeaL–English language diagnostic tool
- Clarity English
- Academic Phrasebank (Manchester University)
- Grammar (Purdue University)
- Twelve common errors (University of Wisconsin)
- Using verb tenses (University of Carolina)
- Guide to punctuation (UNSW)
Study skills support
- UniStart: International induction (for staff access contact eSolutions)
- Study support resources
- Academic skills: preparing for study, maths, writing, assignment types, exams, English language development
- Book an appointment with a Language and Learning Adviser
- Writing mentors
- Maths mentors
- Student Helping Students Hub
- DUSA Red Shirts
Social engagement
International students often find settling into their new university environment culturally isolating. Encourage students to contact Deakin University Student Association and find out about the range of clubs and societies that are available here. These could ease their transition into Deakin life.
International student stories
Have you ever wondered what life is like as an international student at Deakin?
Read international student stories and get to know some of their experiences.