Need assignment advice? Get immediate help from a Writing Mentor in our drop-in sessions
Our Writing Mentors are available both online and on campus to provide you fast, friendly and comprehensive help – no appointment needed!
Our Writing Mentors are available both online and on campus to provide you fast, friendly and comprehensive help – no appointment needed!
Starting uni isn't always easy, especially as we adjust to blended learning. But there's lots of support available if you need it.
See our handy list of dos and don’ts to guide your blended learning experience in T1.
During This Girl Can Week 2021, we encourage you to embrace physical activity in any way that suits you.
We acknowledge and support Harmony Day on Sunday 21 March. Download our global playlist and find out what 'belonging' means to other Deakin students.
Don’t risk lost marks – make sure you submit your assignments by Deakin's universal submission time.
We want you to feel safe at Deakin, both as you visit campus and continue with online classes.
Have you witnessed or experienced poor online behaviour by a Deakin student, or something that makes you feel unsafe, uncomfortable or threatened?
Our friendly student club representatives will be on campus in Burwood and Geelong to answer your questions and welcome you aboard!
Meet your friendly course team and fellow students in these sessions for new and continuing international students.
To enjoy uni and do your best, you need to feel happy, safe and healthy. From medical help to counselling and disability support, we've got your back.
If you're a postgraduate business and law student, here's your chance to showcase your skills, impress employers and win prizes!