Just published: Chad Whelan examines organisational culture and cultural change
Deakin criminologist Dr Chad Whelan latest research on organisational culture and culture change has been published in the Australian and New…
Deakin criminologist Dr Chad Whelan latest research on organisational culture and culture change has been published in the Australian and New…
Deakin criminologist Dr Kate Fitz-Gibbon and Monash University Associate Professor JaneMaree Maher have co-authored an article on the feminist judging…
Several violent confrontations between NZ police and citizens has led some people to call for arming of the New Zealand…
Darren Palmer and Ian Warren have a chapter in the new 4 volume set published by SAGE on Global Policing…
Deakin criminologists Dr Ian Warren and Associate Professor Darren Palmer’s latest book has been published by Lawbook Co. The book, Global…
Deakin criminologist Dr Kate Fitz-Gibbon has been awarded a 2015 General Grant by the Victorian Women’s Trust. Kate’s project, ‘The killing…
Deakin criminologist Dr Kate Fitz-Gibbon has received a grant to examine legal responses to one-punch homicide as part of the…
Deakin criminology is very excited to welcome the latest addition to our team Dr Andrew Groves. Andrew completed his PhD…
Deakin Criminology are delighted to welcome our visting Thinker in Residence D.r Randy K. Lippert. Dr. Randy K. Lippert is Professor…
On Monday, the public hearings for Victoria’s Royal Commission into Family Violence began. The public hearings follow the completion of…
Deakin criminologist Dr Diarmaid Harkin has contributed to the June 2015 issue of Scottish Justice Matters. Diarmaid’s commentary piece, ‘Scottish policing: has…
The latest issue of Surveillance and Society has two contributions by members of the Deakin criminology team. The Issue features an article…
Criminology lecturer Dr Kate Fitz-Gibbon has been awarded the prestigious Peter Mitchell Churchill Fellowship for 2015. The Fellowship will allow…
We are delighted to announce that Deakin lecturer in criminology Dr Diarmaid Harkin has been awarded the 2015 Brian Williams…
On 30-31 May 2015, Associate Professor Darren Palmer and Dr Ian Warren presented the following two papers at the Law…
Deakin Criminologist Dr Chad Whelan has presented the David & Cecilia Ting Occasional Forum on Justice Policy at Simon Fraser University in Canada. Chad…