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June 15, 2015

Dr Diarmaid Harkin awarded 2015 British Society of Criminology Brian Williams Prize

Diarmaid profile picWe are delighted to announce that Deakin lecturer in criminology Dr Diarmaid Harkin has been awarded the 2015 Brian Williams Prize by the British Society of Criminology.

The Brian Williams Prize is awarded annually to an early career scholar. In awarding the prize, the judging panel seeks to recognise:

a journal article which shows evidence of particular distinction and/or innovation in methodology or theorising in the general field of criminology, or in the application of criminological theory or research to crime policy or penal practice. In essence the winning article must make a valuable contribution to the further development of criminology.

In 2015 the prize has been awarded to Dr Diarmaid Harkin for his article, ‘The police and punishment: Understanding the pains of policing’, published in Theoretical Criminology (2014). Diarmaid’s article argues that police inflicted injury and suffering should be explored in relation to ‘punitiveness’. The article draws on the sociology of punishment to reconsider how the public views the acceptability and unacceptability of police pain-delivery.

To access the full article, click here.

Click here to read an earlier post about Diarmaid’s recent research published in the British Journal of Criminology and Criminology and Criminal Justice.

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