Items with Tag: Reflections

Developing feedback literacy: case studies from multiple disciplines – CRADLE Seminar Series #3: Review by Juan Fischer Rodriguez

In this post, Juan Fischer Rodriguez, CRADLE PhD Student, reviews our latest seminar and highlights the research outcomes of CRADLE’s Development Partners scheme.

Sustaining innovation in higher education: What does it take and what don’t we know? – CRADLE Seminar Series 8 Dec 2021: Review by Dr Jo Elliot

In this reflection of our last seminar for the year, Dr Jo Elliot (Lecturer, Digital Learning Innovation, Deakin Learning Futures) provides some meaningful insights relating to innovations, engagement and practice.

How can ‘assessment for learning’ meaningfully contribute to ‘programatic assessment’ – Review – CRADLE seminar Series 22 June

CRADLE PhD candidate Dr Damian Castanelli recently presented his seminar, ‘How can ‘assessment for learning’...

A reflection on CRADLE Conference 2020 and sociomateriality

To celebrate five years of amazing research, CRADLE organised its first CRADLE Conference, ‘University Assessment,...

How writing a novel compares with writing a journal article

I have always led a kind of double life, simultaneously working as an academic and...

A look at Google Scholar metrics

I remember when I finished my PhD in 2015, Google Scholar (GS) was quite new...

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