Items with Tag: Phillip Dawson

Academic promotion for CRADLE Associate Director

CRADLE is delighted to announce our Associate Director, A/Prof. Phillip Dawson, has recently achieved academic...

Latest developments in feedback research

CRADLE Honorary Professor David Carless offers an overview of selected recent developments in feedback research....

A reflection on CRADLE Conference 2020 and sociomateriality

To celebrate five years of amazing research, CRADLE organised its first CRADLE Conference, ‘University Assessment,...

Two days, two CRADLE seminars: Defending and re-imagining assessment

As part of a double bill jointly presented by CRADLE and Transforming Assessment, CRADLE’s A/Prof....

Feedback in online learning – CRADLE Seminar Series

An enthusiastic and engaged audience joined us for our largest-ever online CRADLE seminar, a special...

Panel: Feedback in online learning – CRADLE Seminar Series

Higher education’s rapid shift to online teaching, learning and assessment has provided educators and students...

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