CRADLE Seminar Series: How can ‘assessment for learning’ meaningfully contribute to ‘programmatic assessment’?
2 June 2021
With the spread of competency-based medical education, programmatic assessment is fast becoming the norm in postgraduate medical education. Programmatic assessment advocates systematically using assessment across a curriculum to promote trainees’ learning while simultaneously providing the information necessary to confirm progression. The aim is for the assessment system to accommodate both the constructivist conception of how learning occurs, on the one hand, and the community need for health practitioners to meet a standard on the other.
In my PhD, I am exploring how the tension between assessment for learning and assessment of learning impacts postgraduate specialist anaesthesia trainees and their supervisors within a system of programmatic assessment.
In this presentation, I will discuss how supervisors use ‘shadow systems’ to make progress decisions in practice and how supervisors manage the potential dilemma of simultaneously supporting and assessing trainees within their broader role. From the trainee perspective, I will look at the development of trust in the context of workplace-based assessment and how trust and power may provide a novel way to re-consider trainee engagement in assessment for learning. I will then present possible implications for how a programmatic assessment system can meet the dual challenges of enhancing learning and certifying competence.
This seminar is our third in our online-only series for 2021. Join us to listen to some thought provoking discussions.
When: 2.00pm – 3.30pm (AEST), Tuesday 22 June 2021
Where: Online
Cost: This is a free event
More info? Visit the event page
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