Items with category:Research
What makes for ineffective feedback?
2 June 2017
The literature is filled with claims about what makes for effective feedback, for example, feedback...
CRADLE Collaborative Event: Conceptions and Theory in Assessment Research
31 May 2017
CRADLE recently hosted a collaborative event for Deakin staff, aimed at providing an overview of...
Group formation using CATME Team-maker tool: Are we there yet?
22 May 2017
Matchmaker, Matchmaker, Make me a match, Find me a find, Catch me a catch… ...
The AERA Annual Meeting 2017
9 May 2017
The American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting is the biggest education related conference in the...
On streaking and underperformance
24 April 2017
I have had a short and light-hearted position paper published in Medical Teacher: In this...
CRADLE PhD Scholarship Opportunity – Now Open!
6 April 2017
Two PhD scholarships are available in Deakin University’s Centre for Research in Assessment and Digital...