Items with category:CRADLE Seminar Series

Agency, learning and professional practice – CRADLE Seminar Series

An enthusiastic audience joined us for our first entirely online CRADLE seminar, as A/Prof. Nick...

Peer mentoring groups for supervisor development in doctoral education: CRADLE Seminar Series

Updated 16.3.20: this seminar has now been cancelled.

Learner perceptions of the value of credentials – CRADLE Seminar Series

It was standing room only, with many more online, for our first CRADLE seminar of...

Agency, learning and professional practice: CRADLE Seminar Series

What does thinking about agency offer when considering questions of how professionals shift the status...

Upcoming CRADLE events in 2020

As 2020 gets underway, here’s a preview of what’s coming up for the CRADLE Seminar...

Learner perceptions of the value of credentials: CRADLE Seminar Series

Join us for the first presentation in this year’s CRADLE Seminar Series to hear Emeritus...

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