Help young people from diverse backgrounds by becoming a DEAP Mentor
Become a mentor to young people from disadvantaged backgrounds – and boost your CV at the same time. But hurry! Applications close Friday 12 March.
Become a mentor to young people from disadvantaged backgrounds – and boost your CV at the same time. But hurry! Applications close Friday 12 March.
If you experience problem behaviour or witness anything troubling, contact Safer Community for confidential support.
Any changes you make to your enrolment after census date may affect your fees and transcript.
Harmony Week runs from 15 to 21 March and we're celebrating with a Deakin-style global playlist. Share your top song and go into the draw to win a $100 Visa gift card!
Check out some of the simple and stress-free ways you can travel to Deakin.
Get set for study with this quick guide to the digital tools available at Deakin – from wi-fi to free software.
It can be hard to juggle competing priorities, but there are ways to stay in control. Learn how in our series of free interactive workshops.
Deakin's PASS sessions are your opportunity to be personally tutored by student leaders who have received high marks in your unit.
We're currently seeking student representatives on a range of boards and committees in the Faculty of Business and Law. Applications close 15 March.
Best of luck to our elite athlete students as they yet again take on their main rivals at the Constellation Cup in Christchurch.
As an international student, you must have health cover the whole time you're in Australia, Here's what to do if you're about to graduate, but want to stay in the country.
We'll show you how to boost your study habits, communication skills, motivation, stress management techniques and more in these helpful sessions.