Items with Tag: Phillip Dawson
Sword vs Bukowsi, or how I wrote a 75,000-word book in seven weeks
26 May 2020
Two of my favourite pieces on writing share the same title: “Air and Light and...
50 free eprints: Conditions that enable effective feedback
12 November 2019
Members of the OLT-funded Feedback for Learning project, including CRADLE’s Prof. David Boud, A/Prof. Phillip...
Recording now available: CRADLE In Conversation – Student Feedback Literacy International Panel
30 October 2019
CRADLE was delighted to host a panel discussion featuring an all-star cast of international higher...
Podcast: “Bid to stamp out uni cheat industry” on ABC Radio Focus
25 July 2019
Last week I spoke with Universities Australia CEO Catriona Jackson on the ABC Perth radio...
Recording and slides now available: CRADLE Seminar Series – Phillip Dawson on cheating and academic integrity
16 July 2019
If you weren’t able to join us for our CRADLE Seminar Series last month to...
Cheating in the name of academic integrity: CRADLE Seminar Series
24 June 2019
The latest presentation in the 2019 CRADLE Seminar Series saw our own A/Prof. Phillip Dawson...