Items with Tag: Books

Join the launch of the Second Handbook of Academic Integrity

In this seminar Dr Sarah Elaine Eaton of the University of Calgary will internationally launch the Second Handbook of Academic Integrity with insights from book contributor Professor Phill Dawson. Join us online on Wednesday 24 July at 12pm.

Assessment for Inclusion in Higher Education: CRADLE Book Launch – CRADLE Seminar Series #3 2023

Join us for the launch of our latest CRADLE Book: Assessment for Inclusion in Higher Education: Promoting Social Justice and Equity in Assessment. Edited by Rola Ajjawi, Joanna Tai, David Boud, and Trina Jorre de St Jorre. Alfred Deakin Professor Liz Johnson will launch the seminar and Professor Sally Kift will discuss the Higher Education landscape and diversity.

How writing a novel compares with writing a journal article

I have always led a kind of double life, simultaneously working as an academic and...

Sword vs Bukowsi, or how I wrote a 75,000-word book in seven weeks

Two of my favourite pieces on writing share the same title: “Air and Light and...

Exploring the impacts of feedback in higher education: CRADLE & DER International Symposium 2018

From 3-5 September 2018, CRADLE and Monash University’s Digital Education Research (DER) group held a...

The impact of feedback in higher education: CRADLE & DER International Symposium 2018

CRADLE are pleased to announce our third annual International Symposium will take place from September...

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