Items with Tag: Assessment

No compromises. Assessment for inclusion and the revolution! – Review – CRADLE Symposium – 21 October 2021

In this review of the first keynote of the symposium CRADLE PhD Student Anastasiya Umarova...

How can ‘assessment for learning’ meaningfully contribute to ‘programatic assessment’ – Review – CRADLE seminar Series 22 June

CRADLE PhD candidate Dr Damian Castanelli recently presented his seminar, ‘How can ‘assessment for learning’...

CRADLE Seminar Series: How can ‘assessment for learning’ meaningfully contribute to ‘programmatic assessment’?

Dr Damian Castanelli (CRADLE, PhD Candidate)   With the spread of competency-based medical education, programmatic...

NCSEHE Re-imagining Exams project update: May 2021

It’s been a while since we last updated you on the progress of our NCSEHE...

Launching the 2021 CRADLE Seminar Series!

Please join us for our first seminar presented by CRADLE’s Director, Alfred Deakin Prof. David...

CRADLE News, tweets and traffic – No red lights!

Whether it was due to lockdown tedium-surfing or random searches of exciting key words related to the world of higher education assessment and the digital world, readership of the CRADLE News blog has continued to grow.

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