Assessment. Digital. Learning

Meaningful feedback between learners and educators in the workplace: Seminar – 15 August 2018

Feedback is frequently emphasised as a cornerstone of effective health professions education, yet there remains...

CRADLE goes to ANZAHPE 2018

The 2018 conference of the Australian and New Zealand Association for Health Professional Educators (ANZAHPE)...

Video-as-data and whales’ tales with Lynn Monrouxe and Lara Varpio

At first glance, it may seem that videos of bedside teaching encounters have little in...

Study drug use in Australian universities: CRADLE Seminar Series

CRADLE Fellow Dr Matthew Dunn shared the findings from his study exploring ‘study drug’ use...

Sociomateriality for medical education research: CRADLE at CCME18

In April, I travelled to Canada for four weeks to visit two centres, the Centre...

Investigating assessment feedback in medical education: Meet CRADLE Fellow Bryony McNeill

Dr Bryony McNeill is Deputy Course Director of the Bachelor of Medicine Bachelor of Surgery...

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