CRADLE Fellowship Appointment: Congratulations to Dr Ros Black
1 December 2022

CRADLE is pleased to announce that Dr Ros Black, a Senior Lecturer in Education (Humanities, Societies and Environments) at Deakin’s School of Education, has been awarded CRADLE’s second Fellowship for 2022. Welcome Ros!
Our Fellowships are awarded to build an individual’s education research capacity in assessment and/or digital learning
Ros’s research interests are varied and, most notably, meet at the intersection of the sociologies of education and youth. They include the production of the global citizen and graduate within schools and universities; the nature of academic identity and labour; the geographies and temporalities of young people’s present lives; and imagined futures in critical and precarious times and places.
During her 18 month Fellowship Ros will be exploring the move to online learning and teaching in her project: Belonging, joy and imagined academic futures in the move to online teaching. Ros will explore how this transition has created new understandings of experience and belonging of teaching academics in Australia and England. Ros will seek to explore how academics’ affective responses shape their relationship to, and their adoption of, online teaching practices (and vice versa). The project will also see how nostalgia for a dispossessed past might sit alongside the work of ‘futuring’: imagining new forms of academic labour and identity and the post-coronial future of higher education as a whole. Ros will be working with CRADLE’s Professor Margaret Bearman on investigating these merging understandings.
About Ros
Ros works in Deakin’s School of Education as a Senior Lecturer in Education (Humanities, Societies and Environments). Her education career spans almost 40 years. During that time, Ros has worked as a teacher, a policy officer, a teacher educator and a researcher. Ros has worked in schools, higher education, government and nonprofit sectors.
Ros’ most recent publications draw on poststructuralist perspectives to critically analyse these issues and to deepen understanding and inform policy and practice within education and the youth sector.
Contact Ros
Stay tuned to our blog to hear more about Ros’s research and CRADLE Fellowships in the new year.