Items with category:Seminar Review

What Happened Next: Read a review of our BERT Seminar

In this post Dr Jack Walton, CRADLE Research Fellow, discovers what happened to teaching after the pandemic when he attended Jaclyn Broadbent's seminar on Beyond Emergency Remote Teaching. Find out what he learned.

Read a review of our Focus on Feedback Seminar

Dr Jack Walton, CRADLE Research Fellow, reviews our first seminar for the CRADLE Seminar Series 2024. This seminar featured CRADLE's Professor Phill Dawson and Professor Margaret Bearman and focused on feedback.

Read a review of our Masterclass in Inclusive Assessment

In this post, Dr Shane McIver, CRADLE Fellowship Holder and Inclusive Education Lecturer reviews our Masterclass in Inclusive Assessment. This CRADLE and DLF collaborative event was presented by Juanita Custance, Associate Professor Alexander Mussap, and Dr Mollie Dollinger. It was co-hosted by Dr Joanna Tai and Dr Shane McIver. The Masterclass explored assessment design ideas and inspiration to integrate inclusive education into students’ learning experience.

Read a review of Seminar #7 – Authentic Assessment

In this post CRADLE Fellowship holder Dr Tim Chambers reviews our latest seminar presentation ‘Authentic assessment in undergraduate science: A critical realist perspective’. This seminar was presented by Associate Professor Mags Blackie and Dr Robyn Yucel.

Read a review of Seminar #6 – Perceptions of feedback literacy

Chad Gladovic, one of CRADLE's PhD students, reviews our most recent seminar held by Dr Ying Zhan (Jane), assistant professor at the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at The Education University of Hong Kong. In this seminar Dr Zhang presented her work about feedback and feedback literacy.

Review: CRADLE Seminar Series #5 – Investigating productive feedback practices

Dr Ying Zhan (Jane), assistant professor at the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at The Education University of Hong Kong, reviews our most recent seminar. In seminar #5 CRADLE's Dr Bianka Malecka and Dr Lasse X Jensen presented their research into feedback. Dr Zhan is currently undertaking an academic visitation with CRADLE and will be presenting her own seminar on feedback this afternoon.

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