Items with category:Reflections

Read how two visiting students found their trip to CRADLE

CRADLE welcomed international PhD students Leire Pinedo and David Zamorano to Deakin University in June 2024. Both study at the University de Deusto in Spain and are supervised by CRADLE Honorary Professor Ernesto Panadero. In this post we hear about their experiences during their visit and CRADLE Associate Research Fellow Laura Hughes reflects on the highlights of Leire and David's research presentations.

What Happened Next: Read a review of our BERT Seminar

In this post Dr Jack Walton, CRADLE Research Fellow, discovers what happened to teaching after the pandemic when he attended Jaclyn Broadbent's seminar on Beyond Emergency Remote Teaching. Find out what he learned.

Food, ruins and keynotes: CRADLE team reflect on international visits

Recently three CRADLE members were invited to visit various international institutions: Dr Joanna Tai to Quality and Qualifications Ireland in Dublin, Professor Phillip Dawson to the Education University of Hong Kong, and Professor Margaret Bearman to the University of Hong Kong. Hear about their experiences and what they learned.

Read a review of our Focus on Feedback Seminar

Dr Jack Walton, CRADLE Research Fellow, reviews our first seminar for the CRADLE Seminar Series 2024. This seminar featured CRADLE's Professor Phill Dawson and Professor Margaret Bearman and focused on feedback.

Phill Dawson reflects on the TEQSA 2023 Conference

In our first post for 2024 Professor Phill Dawson, Co-Director of CRADLE, reflects on the TEQSA 2023 conference. The theme was Reshaping higher education. Phill was involved in the development of key guidelines for assessment reform in the age of AI, which were unveiled at the conference.

How to find a PhD supervisor

How do you find a PhD supervisor? CRADLE's Joanna Tai has some personal reflections and tips to help.

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