Items with category:CRADLE Seminar Series

Self-reflection and self-disclosure in online learning: Seminar – 25 September 2018

As a teacher, have you ever wondered “how personal is too personal”? Reflective learning is...

Meaningful learner-educator feedback in the workplace: CRADLE Seminar Series

Meaningful feedback between learners and educators in workplace settings was the subject of the recent...

More upcoming CRADLE events in 2018

With a busy first half of 2018 over, here’s a preview of what’s coming up...

Meaningful feedback between learners and educators in the workplace: Seminar – 15 August 2018

Feedback is frequently emphasised as a cornerstone of effective health professions education, yet there remains...

Study drug use in Australian universities: CRADLE Seminar Series

CRADLE Fellow Dr Matthew Dunn shared the findings from his study exploring ‘study drug’ use...

Failing a unit: a wake-up call on the way to success? CRADLE Seminar Series

A strong turnout at Deakin Downtown and many more online joined us to hear CRADLE’s...

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