Items with category:CRADLE Fellows
How can we help students make meaning of feedback?
22 September 2017
Higher education staff would be familiar with the common concern that students don’t make use...
Study drug use among university students
2 August 2017
The title of the news post hooked me. “A Cambridge Professor says study drugs should...
Evidencing learning outcomes: a multi-level, multi-dimensional course alignment model
31 July 2017
To cite this article: Bhavani Sridharan, Shona Leitch & Kim Watty (2015) Evidencing learning outcomes:...
CRADLE and contract cheating research
17 July 2017
In 2017 as a CRADLE Fellow, I presented at the European academic integrity conference in...
My first publication from a CRADLE collaboration. ‘Implementing summative assessment with a formative flavour: a case study in a large class’
25 June 2017
My first publication from a CRADLE collaboration And what a collaboration! David Boud (Director of...
Group formation using CATME Team-maker tool: Are we there yet?
22 May 2017
Matchmaker, Matchmaker, Make me a match, Find me a find, Catch me a catch… ...