
CRADLE Fellowships 2021 for Deakin Academic Staff are Now Open! Applications Due 29 March 2021

Applications for CRADLE’s Fellowship Scheme for 2021 are now open. If selected, you can undertake up to 18 months’ research with the support and mentorship of CRADLE’s leading higher education researchers. So, If you’re a Deakin academic staff member interested in higher education research in assessment, digital learning, or learning through, and for, work, this is the opportunity for you.

Now Open! PhD scholarship in Assessment in Higher Education opportunity with CRADLE

We’re pleased to announce that applications are now open for a new PhD scholarship in Assessment in Higher Education opportunity with The Centre for Research in Assessment and Digital Learning (CRADLE).

Feedback literacy from education to professional practice

The recent Surrey International Symposium: ‘Feedback Literacy: From education to professional practice’ brought together over 250 delegates from 20 different countries to stimulate conversations across disciplinary boundaries and to forge new connections...

CRADLE Honorary Professor Appointed: Dr Gordon Joughin

CRADLE is pleased to announce the reappointment of Dr Gordon Joughin as a CRADLE Honorary Professor. Gordon is a higher education consultant working with CRADLE on decision-making in assessment and evaluation.

CRADLE PhD Scholarship Opportunity – Now Open!

Two PhD scholarships are available in Deakin University’s Centre for Research in Assessment and Digital...

CRADLE Fellowship Applications Now Open

The Centre for Research in Assessment and Digital Learning (CRADLE) offers a CRADLE Fellowship for...

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