Introducing the newest member of our Criminology team: Dr Wendy O’Brien
The Deakin Criminology team are very excited to welcome a new Lecturer in Criminology, Dr Wendy O’Brien.
Dr Wendy O’Brien was formerly senior research fellow with the Australian Crime Commission. Wendy holds a Doctorate in Gender Studies, and is currently completing a Masters in International Law (Human Rights) at The University of Melbourne. Wendy conducts research on issues of child protection, child sexual abuse, and children who commit acts of sexual abuse. Wendy has a particular research interest in human rights, and the rights of children in contact with the criminal justice system.
Wendy’s research on children with sexually abusive behaviours has informed policy and practice in child protection and juvenile justice settings. Wendy has received invitations to present the findings of this research in various keynote presentations and ministerial briefings. Her research has also been cited by various legislative reform commissions, legal advocacy bodies, and rights-based groups, in acknowledgement of the impacts of sex offender registration on juveniles.
Click here to read about Wendy’s current research projects.