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February 14, 2014

Surveillance & Sport: Special Journal Issue

Security in SportThe latest issue of Surveillance and Society (vol 11 no 4, 2014), edited by Deakin’s Ian Warren and Nils Zurawski (University of Hamburg) is a special issue examining Surveillance and Sport. The eleven papers in this edition cover a range of issues including surveillance and sports mega-events and the impact of various forms of routine surveillance on elite and lower-level athletes. The volume includes contributions from the UK, Canada, the USA, Poland and Australia from a variety of disciplines.

Chad Whelan provides an argument for considering the links between security and surveillance when examining the processes for maintaining safety at sports mega-events. Chad draws on his research examining the complexity of these networks to establish a framework for understanding how they can operate more efficiently. Read Chad’s article here.

Ian Warren, Darren Palmer and Chad Whelan also provide a critical examination of the relationship between internal and external surveillance associated with elite sports governance to prevent serious rule or law breaking. Through three distinct case studies they demonstrate how external legal and enforcement motives are normalising contentious surveillance practices by sports organisations and external law enforcement agencies. One key example to illustrate this process involves a critical examination of the internal and external changes affecting sport resulting from the Australian Crime Commission’s investigation into organised crime and the use of performance and image enhancing substances in professional sport. Read the article by Ian, Darren and Chad here.

All papers in this edition can be downloaded on open access at:

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