Do you put off doing tasks? See how you can manage the urge to procrastinate
Did you know 50 per cent of uni students frequently procrastinate? This common habit of avoiding or delaying action is one many of us can relate to, but it can unfortunately come back to bite us – procrastination can lead to a lot of stress because the task still needs to be done, but you risk running out of time. So, when you finally complete the task, it’s far from your best work.
As a result, procrastinating can not only make your uni assignments more stressful, it can also adversely affect your mental health.
So, why do we procrastinate?
Procrastination is rarely about laziness or time management. It’s more likely to be due to anxiety, not feeling motivated in your course, perfectionism, believing the task is too difficult or boring, and/or fear of failure.
So procrastination is actually closely linked to how you feel about work and/or yourself. Thankfully, there are some simple and yet effective things you can do to stop procrastinating.
Try these tips to curb your procrastination
By being mindful of our habits and recognising that procrastination is a choice, we can get better at limiting our tendency to put off what needs doing. Here’s some practical ways you can better focus on your study.
- Start early. Once you get an assignment, jot down some quick notes, create a working document or begin tracking down some initial readings straight away. Once you get started, an assignment always feels more surmountable and it’s easier to return to something that you’ve already begun. It can also help to tackle the least pleasant aspects first, so you get them out of the way early.
- Keep your eye on the prize. Whenever you find your resolve to study waning, remember that the reward and relief of finishing an assignment you’re proud of will feel way better than the quick fix you get from procrastinating.
- Set SMART goals and plan ahead. Be realistic – don’t attempt to do a whole assignment in one night! Break down your work into smaller, more achievable tasks, and try to complete them one at a time. One great tool to use is the Pomodoro Technique, a popular time management strategy that divides your studies into easily completed pieces – you can find a Pomodoro Timer in the DeakinWELLBEING app. Make sure you also mark dates and times for study in your diary or use our online study planner.
- Study well with others? Feeling accountable to someone else can help you stay focused. Collaborating with your classmates can make study more fun and may even give you a fresh perspective on tricky concepts you’re struggling to understand.
- Keep your study time sacred! Turn off your phone, avoid checking email and ignore the temptation to monitor your social media feeds.
- Give yourself something to look forward to. Do something you love after completing each task (instead of doing it beforehand).
- Attend our upcoming THRIVE session. Check out our dedicated workshop on Overcoming procrastination, to be held via Zoom on Wednesday 20 December (Week 7) from 7-8pm. We’ll cover the emotions behind procrastination and ways you can overcome the habit.
Want more help?
These free services are available to all Deakin students:
- Make a Zoom appointment with a Deakin Language and Learning Adviser to discuss your approach to work and learn how to complete your assignments on time.
- Check out the DeakinWELLBEING app, which includes interactive tools, videos and podcasts that can enhance relaxation, focus, energy, mood and productivity in minutes.
- Have a confidential chat with one of our student mental health experts from Deakin’s Counselling and Psychological Support service.