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9 May 2023

It’s IDAHOBIT 2023! Here’s how to celebrate our LGBTIQA+ community

Wednesday 17 May is International Day against Homophobia, Biphobia & Transphobia (IDAHOBIT) – a great opportunity to show support and allyship to our LGBTIQA+ family, friends and colleagues.

IDAHOBIT marks the anniversary of the World Health Organization’s 1990 removal of the classification of homosexuality as a mental disorder. It celebrates LGBTIQA+ people globally, while raising awareness of the work still needed.

No one should experience violence or discrimination because of their sexuality or gender identity. As a university community, we set strong standards – it’s up to all of us to address unacceptable attitudes and behaviours:

At Deakin, we have made a deep commitment to inclusion and diversity – it is central to our organisational values. We support and welcome people from the LGBTQIA+ community and are proud to work together with students and staff to create an open and accepting experience for everyone, both on and off campus.
—Vice-Chancellor Professor Iain Martin

Here’s how you can celebrate, be involved and show support for IDAHOBIT 2023:

Looking for more ways to get involved? Here’s how you can go rainbow to build a world free from discrimination on 17 May.

Do you need some support?

There’s a range of LGBTIQA+ support at Deakin, so learn more about what help is available, including information on gender affirmation. You can become a member of our LGBTIQA+ community by emailing [email protected].

There’s also community organisations you can contact, including:

Deakin pledges to never stay silent about homophobia, biphobia and transphobia. We will always stand with our LGBTIQA+ students and staff. We are part of the solution

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