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Two students walking at sports precinct at Waurn Ponds Campus

4 October 2022

Make a strong start to your exams with DeakinACTIVE’s free fitness challenges and wellbeing classes

Is the warmer weather putting a spring in your step? With daylight savings now granting us more sunlight, it’s the perfect time to ramp up your MOVES. 

October is also National Mental Health Month, and we want to encourage you to get moving as part of a routine to support your overall health. Whether it’s a full heart-pumping jog or skipping session, a simple walk around the block, or even some basic isometric or bodyweight exercises in your living room, finding ways to move every day can help you reduce feelings of stress and achieve optimal wellbeing. 

It’s well established that exercise improves cognitive function too, so make sure you’re getting at least 30 minutes a day as you prepare for your T2/S2 exams. Download the DeakinMOVES app and join our October fitness challenges, online wellbeing sessions or give our fitness centres a try – it’ll keep you firing and in peak condition for your final assessments!

Choose your fitness challenge

Join one (or both) of our monthly challenges this month via the DeakinMOVES app to amp up your daily movement.  

Try a personal trainer

Never used a personal trainer before? You don’t know what you’re missing! A DeakinACTIVE PT is like having your very own fitness coach and support buddy, and can offer you:

Take advantage of our special PT offers this month! 

*Terms and conditions apply. Member prices are listed. Non-member prices: $217 for a five-pack, $414 for a 10-pack. 

Nurture your wellbeing ahead of exams

DeakinACTIVE is continuing to run free meditation, pilates and yoga sessions online via Zoom. Take some time out to stretch your body and relax your mind in between your study sessions! Please register via the links to receive access to the live classes.

Do you know about our Safe Spaces?

Every Wednesday morning from 7–10am, DeakinACTIVE provides a Safe Space inside our facilities that is welcoming and accessible to all. We invite all students and staff who may be neurodivergent, part of our LGBTIQ+ community and/or who may have a mental or physical disability, to come and train with us at no cost and with no obligations. See the DeakinACTIVE website for details.

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