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Self Care Week, T2 2022

15 September 2022

The end of T2 is upon us: take some time out to relax and recharge during DUSA Self Care Week

Welcome to the final weeks of Trimester 2! We know you’re all busy preparing for final assignments and exams right now, but remember it’s also really important that you’re taking frequent breaks to relax and prioritise your emotional, mental and physical wellbeing.

No matter what wellness means to you, join us during DUSA Self Care Week (Monday 19–Friday 23 September) to take a breather! We’ll be running a series of events both online and on campus to help you de-stress and refocus on your self care as we approach exam time.

Check out the full Self Care Week program on the DUSA website for details of fun activities you can join, and we look forward to seeing you at an event soon!


Self Care Lunch | Tuesday 20 September, 12–2pm, Morgan’s Walk 
Join us on campus to treat yourself! We’ll have some yummy free food to keep you nourished and enjoy a live acoustic performance to help you relax and unwind with friends. Find out more

Crafts Workshop | Tuesday 20 September, 12–3pm, Morgan’s Walk 
Join us to make some beautiful arts and crafts! This fun workshop will be delivered by student Apoorva, who is passionate about art and the positive effect it can have on our overall wellbeing. You don’t need to register to attend, just stop by any time between 12–2.30pm to take part. You can also grab a free hot chocolate as you settle in! Find out more

DUSA Free Food Pantry | Wednesday 21 September, 11am–1pm, Morgan’s Walk main stage 
This welfare initiative aims to provide students with a range of fruit, veggies and pantry staples. We also encourage cooking skills via tasty, easy and affordable recipes! Find out more

Man playing video games on PCEsports Tournament | Friday 23 September, 1.45–5pm, Melbourne CBD
Come on down to Fortress in the Melbourne CBD for Deakin’s 2023 Esports Tournament. We will play Fall Guys on PC, FIFA on consoles plus there’ll be board games too. Hosted by DESA and the Tabletop Society clubs, we’ll enjoy three hours of gaming as we get set to crown Deakin’s 2022 Esports Champions! Register now

Keep fit with DeakinACTIVE | Various dates
Monday 19 September: Strength, 6.15pm
Tuesday 20 September: Skill X, 12.15pm; Running group, 4pm.


Self Care Lunch | Tuesday 20 September, 12–2pm, The Gallery
Join us on campus for some yummy free food to keep you nourished and enjoy a live acoustic performance to help you relax and unwind with friends. Running simultaneously with the Free Food Pantry event. Find out more

The DUSA Food Pantry team

DUSA Free Food Pantry | Tuesday 20 September, 12–2pm, The Gallery
This welfare initiative aims to provide students with a range of fruit, veggies and pantry staples. We also encourage cooking skills via tasty, easy and affordable recipes! If you have been to one of our previous pantries, bring your DUSA SASS Bag with you. Find out more

Waurn Ponds

Self Care Lunch | Wednesday 21 September, 12–2pm, Delacombe Court (under The Cube)
Join us for free food, a live acoustic performance and enjoy the different creative activations which will help you take your mind off the books! Running simultaneously with the Free Food Pantry event. Find out more

DUSA Free Food Pantry | Wednesday 21 September, 12–2pm, Delacombe Court (under The Cube)
This welfare initiative aims to provide students with a range of fruit, veggies and pantry staples. We also encourage cooking skills via tasty, easy and affordable recipes! Find out more

Keep fit with DeakinACTIVE | Various dates
Monday 19 September: Pilates, 5.30pm; Boxing, 5.15pm
Tuesday 20 September: Bootcamp, 5.15pm
Wednesday 21 September: Body Pump, 5.15pm.


Self Care Lunch | Tuesday 20 September, 11am–1pm, Quad or Brother Fox Cafeteria West (depending on weather)
Come on down and treat yourself this Self Care Week! Join us on campus for some yummy free food to keep you nourished and enjoy a live acoustic performance to help you relax and unwind with friends. Running simultaneously with the Free Food Pantry event. Find out more

DUSA Free Food Pantry | Tuesday 20 September, 11am–1pm, Quad or Brother Fox Cafeteria West (depending on weather)
This welfare initiative aims to provide students with a range of fruit, veggies and pantry staples. We also encourage cooking skills via tasty, easy and affordable recipes! Find out more

Lawn bowls

Barefoot Bowls | Tuesday 27 September, 6–8pm, City Memorial Bowls Company
Join the Deakin Nursing Association Warrnambool for a fun-filled night of lawn bowls! Dress up in your best lawn bowls op shop outfit before we ditch the shoes for some friendly competition. We’ll have a great spread of nibbles on offer and drinks at bar prices. Rescheduled due to public holiday. Get your tickets now

Online (cross-campus)

You Can Ask That series: Sexually Transmitted Infections and Contraception | Monday 19 September, 2–3pm 
Join us for part one of this real-talk webinar series about all things sex and sexual health! We will have an open and judgement-free conversation around consent, STIs and their symptoms, testing and treatments and contraception options. Featuring Deakin Medical Centre nurses and a special guest from Sexual Health Victoria, this session will help you feel empowered to take control over your sexual health. Register now

Aussie Slang Trivia Night | Monday 19 September, 5–6pm 
G’day, mate! Join us for a good yarn – this is a fun-filled opportunity to learn some cracking Aussie lingo and have fun guessing what various expressions mean. This is a great way to connect with your fellow students online! Register now

You Can Ask That series: Sex and the Law (Consent) | Tuesday 20 September, 2–3pm 
Join us for part two of this webinar series in which we openly discuss sex and sexual health. In this session, we will discuss these nuances of consent and the moral and ethical dilemmas that come with sexual relationships. There’s a lot to unpack here, so don’t be afraid to ask questions. The session will feature a special guest from Elephant Ed and Deakin’s Senior Lecturer in Psychology Dr Bianca Klettke. Register now

Keep fit with DeakinACTIVE | Various dates
Monday 19 September: Yoga, 12.15–1pm
Tuesday 20 September: Meditation, 10.15–10.30am
Wednesday 21 September: Pilates, 12.15–1pm.

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