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Mural of Alfred Deakin at Waurn Ponds Campus

21 July 2022

There’s no place for poor behaviour at Deakin

The winter months can sometimes feel like a slog, and this year we’re collectively managing the continuing effects of COVID and a severe flu season, along with ongoing natural disasters and what seems like an increase in the cost of everything.

We acknowledge and understand that many students may be under physical, emotional or financial stress – but you need to remember that there is never any excuse for disrespectful, abusive or intolerant behaviour, either on our campuses or online.

Any behaviour of this type is unacceptable and may have serious consequences. One of the foundations of Deakin’s culture is respect, and all students and staff have the right to considerate behaviour across the University. Our shared spaces should always be safe and enjoyable.

Deakin is a place for everyone to succeed, no matter where you’re from or what you’re studying. Together, we can live up to our values

How to act respectfully

Being respectful mostly involves common sense and thinking before you act. Remember to:

Don’t risk your degree

Any student who behaves inappropriately in any face-to-face or online teaching and learning space will be directed to stop the behaviour and asked to leave if necessary. Deakin is preparing you for graduate employment, and behaviour that is unacceptable in a workplace is also unacceptable in a teaching and learning context.

It’s not OK to use disrespectful, discriminatory or offensive language when communicating with anyone in the Deakin community. This behaviour will be reported to the Student Conduct Team in the Office of the Dean of Students. Allegations of student misconduct may be investigated and formal penalties applied. These may affect your grades and enrolment, and in some cases you may be risking your degree or future career.

Help is here if you’re struggling

We understand that stress, anxiety or frustration can sometimes be an underlying reason for poor behaviour, but as individuals we can choose how we react or behave. Help is always available at Deakin:

What to do if you experience poor behaviour

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