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National Student Safety Survey results

23 March 2022

National Student Safety Survey results

The release today of the National Student Safety Survey (NSSS) represents a significant opportunity for Deakin, and all Australian universities, to continue to confront the scourge of sexual harm in our community.   

Last September, the NSSS gathered data on the scale and nature of students’ perceptions of safety and experiences relating to sexual harm at Australian universities.  

Of Deakin’s more than 66,000 students, about 10,000 were invited to participate in the survey’s qualitative component, and 1166 students responded. Additionally, current and former students (enrolled within the past five years) were given the opportunity to share their experiences on the NSSS website.  

‘I sincerely thank each of you who participated in the survey and those willing to share their experiences. I know it was not easy, but you have helped us understand where to focus our energy,’ said Professor Liz Johnson, Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic. 

‘Together, we must continue to confront the scourge of sexual harm both at universities and across our broader communities. This behaviour has no place at Deakin, and with insights from the NSSS, we have strengthened our Respect and Sexual Harm programs to continue supporting you and changing attitudes and behaviours.’   

Survey results   

The NSSS data showed the experiences of the 1166 Deakin students who completed the survey were broadly consistent with the national findings. Based on the responses of our students who participated:   

‘While the data reflects that Deakin is a safe place, even one instance of sexual harm is too many. Deakin has worked with our students and staff for many years to build a strong culture of safety, mutual respect, and inclusion – but there is always more to do,’ said Professor Johnston.  

Our response   

The survey data has revealed the need to increase your awareness about access to support services and where to go to report incidents. 

In response, we have already made this information more prominent online and on campus, and we will work with you to improve communication and understanding.   

At Deakin we take a proactive approach to preventing sexual harm. We have a strong foundation of policies, procedures and programs and are committed to working towards improving how we respond to and support those in our university community who have been affected.    

‘Through the delivery of our Respect and Sexual Harm programs, we focus on changing the attitudes and behaviours that lead to incidents and building a safer and more respectful community,’ said Professor Johnston. 

Some of Deakin’s initiatives to ensure student safety and prevent harm include:   

Important contacts   

The following specialist services are also available at any time, any day:   

Further information   

View Deakin’s National Student Safety Survey webpage for information and media release.  

Of course, if you have any further questions, please contact the Respectful Behaviours Team at [email protected].  

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