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Aerial view of solar panels on roof at Burwood Campus

11 March 2022

New solar panels helping Deakin to reach carbon neutrality

Did you know that Deakin has a target of being carbon-neutral by 2025?

To help drive down emissions, we’re currently installing 1000 new solar panels across 10 buildings at our Burwood Campus. The panels will generate around 610,000 kilowatt hours per year.

When the project is complete in July, the system will produce enough renewable electricity to power approximately 120 homes (of two to three people) for a year.

The solar panels will also connect to our building automation and management systems, giving us easy access to accurate electrical data. We’ll analyse this data to identify opportunities to improve energy efficiency and reduce the demand on buildings. We’ll also provide that data to our students and researchers to incorporate in their studies.

Cranes installing solar panels at Burwood Campus

Cranes installing solar panels at Burwood Campus

Learn more about sustainability at Deakin

Driven by our values and commitment to sustainability, Carbon Neutral 2025 (CN2025) is our program to become carbon-neutral by 2025 and carbon-negative by 2030. With a focus on reducing emissions at their source, CN2025 shows our leadership in climate change action and enabling a sustainable world.

We’re working towards this with projects such as the Renewable Energy Microgrid at Waurn Ponds. We also buy renewable electricity through the Melbourne Renewable Energy Project 2.

Read more about our commitment to sustainability.

Want to get involved?

The CN2025 program outlines large, ambitious projects that will lead us to become carbon-negative.

But there’s also actions we can all take that will help to reduce our emissions in the meantime:

*The drone image in the banner was captured under the Commercial Excluded Category.

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