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Artwork from Deakin student

13 October 2021

Be inspired and challenged by our incredible Mind Matters Student Art Exhibition

Isolation, trauma, helplessness, depression, anxiety:

Sometimes it can feel like you’re drowning.

I thought being an adult was scary. A pandemic is worse.

But also peace, perspective, healing, resilience, hope and love:

Know that you are worth it. Know that you are loved.

The sun will set, the sun will rise. I will enjoy its beauty by embracing it no matter what.

'Depression', by Dee Beayni

These are the themes, emotions and experiences that some truly brave and generous Deakin students have shared with us as part of our Mind Matters Student Art Exhibition, which features works of art inspired by or reflecting on mental health and wellbeing.

The exhibition, launched as part of Mental Health Month, features student artworks from 2021, 2020 and 2019, and highlights the broad spectrum of mental health that we may all experience at different times. It also shows how important it is to make mental health and wellbeing a ‘normal’ thing to talk about.

Artwork from Deakin studentArt can be such a powerful way to reflect, communicate and connect with others, and to know that you’re not alone. So take a look at these creative, honest and powerful works from students of all backgrounds.

We know that you’ll find their experiences valuable as you consider your own wellbeing or the mental health journey of someone close to you.

View the Mind Matters Student Art Exhibition.

Content warning: some of these artworks may trigger past trauma. Please make your own assessment on whether this exhibition is suitable for you and seek support if needed.

Remember to nurture your own mental health and wellbeing

During Mental Health Month, we’re encouraging you to ‘tune in’ to your own wellbeing – but you should also embed it in your daily life, no matter what else you’ve got going on. Here’s some ways to do this:

Seek professional help if you need to

If you feel excessively stressed or anxious, begin to withdraw from friends and family, or notice unusual symptoms or emotions, please seek help. For emergency, 24-hour support, contact LifeLine or SuicideLine. Deakin also has a range of student support services: 

You’re more than a student to us. As part of ourStudent Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy, we promote positive mental health and wellbeing so you can enjoy your university experience and thrive in your personal life, while also succeeding at your studies. We do this through a range of innovative and supportive policies, services and resources.  

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