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2 October 2021

Our new Preparing to Succeed resources are here!

In Trimester 3 we’re launching the enhanced version of Preparing to Succeed, Deakin’s Orientation site for new postgraduate students. All Grad Certificate, Graduate, Graduate Diploma and Masters by Coursework students are automatically enrolled in Preparing to Succeed, which is delivered through CloudDeakin and appears in your unit tiles in DeakinSync 

Language and Learning Adviser Wes Howard explains more about what’s changed for our commencing students at Deakin.

What is Preparing to Succeed?

Preparing to Succeed focuses on supporting commencing postgraduate students. The resource is built on the understanding that some of you may be transitioning from an undergraduate degree, while others are returning to study after a long break. Many of you may have never studied online and are balancing a lot of other life commitments with your studies. It’s a resource for those of you who need an introduction to Deakin’s online environment, but it also has a strong focus on building a community and understanding the learning journey. There’s also more focus on career goals and developing a sense of purpose.

What’s changing in Preparing to Succeed?

Preparing to Succeed used to be delivered on the FutureLearn platform as a short course for commencing postgraduate students, which then led you back into UniStart to access Orientation resources. The new Preparing to Succeed is one space hosted on CloudDeakin where you can learn about what it’s like to study at Deakin and access your Orientation session videos and other Orientation information.

For new postgraduate students, the Preparing to Succeed space provides you with a single space to find everything you need to prepare for life at Deakin, including recordings of your Orientation sessions. The primary focus of each resource is the first six weeks of learning to make sure you understand what support is available to you and what skills you’ll need, but there’s also a bit of focus on moving forward in your education journey.

Take a look at the new Preparing to Succeed today!

Whether you have just finished an undergraduate degree, or you’re returning to study after a long break, Preparing to Succeed has the resources you need to make a great start. You’ll find recordings of your Orientation sessions, learn more about what to expect at Deakin, access an introduction to Deakin’s online learning environment and get tips on how to set your career goals while balancing your studies with your other life commitmentsYou can also connect with other students and share your learning experiences. Visit Preparing to Succeed today  

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