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Student smiling as she chats with peer in outdoor setting

14 September 2021

Tell us how you’d improve the process for uni assessments and we’ll give you a gift voucher!

Have you been able to navigate your university assessments well? Or have you found aspects of it challenging? Got any advice you’d like to share?

Help us help you!

A group of staff and students at Deakin University are working to co-design assessment support resources to help all students navigate assessment-related university systems.

We are seeking students from diverse backgrounds, with various experiences of assessment, who are willing to participate in a 60-minute co-design workshop to provide feedback. We encourage you to join a workshop to share your perspectives and advice which in turn will help improve our future assessment processes for you and your fellow students.

Choose a workshop

The workshops will be held online via Zoom at the following times, and you’ll receive a $30 supermarket gift voucher for your time and participation.

During the workshop you will engage in design-thinking exercises that will help develop your ideas, including storyboarding and mind mapping.

Ready to take part?

Please note your participation is entirely voluntary, and you must be currently enrolled at Deakin and aged 18 years or above to take part.  

If you would like to participate in a workshop, please fill out this form to express your interest. You will then be contacted by the research team to confirm your participation.

The team thanks you for helping improve the assessment experience for all students at Deakin!

This project has received Deakin University ethical approval (reference number HAE 21-104).

The research team:
Students: Sam Bohra, Marina Booth, Harmeet Kaur, Shannon Krattli, and Daniella Prezioso.
Staff: Dr Joanna Tai, A/Prof Rola Ajjawi, Dr Mollie Dollinger, Dr Trina Jorre de St Jorre, Merrin Mccracken, and Danni McCarthy.

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