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Two males heckling a female walking past

14 July 2021

If you ever feel threatened or unsafe, Safer Community can help

As a Deakin student, you have access to a range of health and wellbeing services. One of the most important of these is Safer Community – Deakin’s central point of contact for behaviour that makes you or others feel unsafe, including reports and disclosures of sexual harm, and domestic and family violence.

Types of threatening behaviour

Sexual harm is any unwanted sexual behaviour that you have not agreed to. It can take many forms, including touching, exposure, sexual images taken or shared without consent, or any form of sexual penetration.

Family violence is violence between family members, such as between parents and children, siblings, and intimate partners. Domestic violence refers specifically to violence that occurs between current or former intimate partners. Both family violence and domestic violence include behaviours such as:

Safer Community also responds to reports of concerning behaviour. This includes anything that:

What Safer Community can do to help you

If you ever feel unsafe in your home or at uni, Safer Community is here to support you. This includes assisting you with a safety plan if appropriate, or providing advice and referrals to other services.

Our trained professionals are experienced in dealing with this kind of trauma – and it doesn’t matter if it’s recent or historical, or where it happened. So whether you can physically come to campus or there are restrictions in place, we still want everyone to feel safe while they’re at Deakin.

Visit the Safer Community website to find out more, including information on what will happen if you make a report, how we manage your privacy, and what ongoing referrals, support and monitoring are available.

How to contact Safer Community

Safer Community is not an emergency or crisis response service – we only operate during business hours. If you or someone else needs immediate help, please contact Victoria Police by calling Triple Zero (000) or Deakin Security on 1800 062 579.

For confidential assistance, contact Safer Community during business hours (Monday to Friday, 9am–4pm) by:

Other information and help

It’s important to know that even if COVID-19 restrictions are in place, you can still seek help if your personal situation becomes dangerous or unsustainable. You can leave home to escape family violence at any time.

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